Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Awaiting my box of veg and internet connection

Well sometimes life does not move as fast as Ferris Bueller says.  Sometimes the vegetables grow fast and the internet connection takes months to be installed.  Such is life when we move down to East London.  We pick up our box of local organic vegetables today and look forward to eating fresh, local, and seasonal week after wonderful week.  

I have started work as a community food worker in west London teaching low income young mums and dads cooking and nutrition skills.  The focus is to help these young parents gain cooking confidence, to eat healthy, to feed their children nutritiously, and to do all this as frugally as possible.  

So as I work on recipes for the courses, i think of ideas for this blog, and will get back to posting a few times a week as i find closer internet cafe's and someday, someday soon I hope, a home internet connection!!!

Thanks everyone for emailing me with your cooking questions...feel free to keep em coming as I should be able to start checking my email more often...I am off to get my first organic London box of veg now and promise to follow up tomorrow with what we cooked for dinner with it!!!

Happy eating!!!

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